Game Publishing Services

Your players’ adventurous, relaxing, and do-it-all sides are all waiting for you. Ready to tell your story to your players? Let us get you on the road!

What we offer

We can help you make a fortune. Don’t hesitate when you can secure our services for a small fee.

  • Everyone is welcome. Can’t get your game published because the ones you pitched it to didn’t like it or they simply didn’t want to? We will publish any type of game.
  • We localize to both English and Japanese. Are you a foreign developer and need to reach most of your audience? We can do that too!
  • The power of our support team can utilize Steam services. If Valve greenlights your title for a release on their platform, you can utilize all of the amazing features such as Steam Cloud and achievements.

Content policies

Drillimation Systems intends to deliver content that players of all ages can play. When minors play our games, parental involvement is recommended to ensure they have a safe and happy experience playing. We have created a set of guidelines to meet our target age groups and their parents. These rules apply for the type of content and themes present in your game. Although some exceptions will be made, Drillimation will NOT publish any of the following:

  • Games containing gratuitous or excessive amounts of violence and/or blood, including but not limited to dismemberment, decapitation, or graphic depictions of death.
  • Games containing sexually suggestive or explicit material, including nudity and/or sexual assault. This can get your game banned in any countries around the world where child pornography or sexual violence are outlawed in media. In accordance with Russian law, we will not publish games containing LGBT themes and such.
  • Games containing inappropriate depiction of ethnic, nationalistic, religious, or other stereotypes that could cause offense.
  • Games containing strong or sexually explicit profanity, as well as gestures that could be offensive to public standards. Some players may be sensitive to this.
  • Games incorporating illegal use of drugs, tobacco, or alcohol. This also includes drug/alcohol use in relation to rewards/incentives.

Ready to get your first title out into the world?

Get started today by contacting Drillimation at